October 2019

Posted October 1, 2019. Additions made on October 14 and 16.


  • Arabian Sights Film Festival
  • The Cinema Lounge
  • Adams Rib Examines Classics Loved By All Except Their Directors
  • Judy: Q&A with Director Rupert Goold and Producer David Livingstone
  • We Need to Hear From You
  • Calendar of Events

    Last 12 issues of the Storyboard.

    October 18-27

    The 24th Arabian Sights Film Festival

    WHAT: Arabian Sights Film Festival returns with Award-Winners and Virtual Reality.

    WHEN: October 18-27, 2019

    WHERE: Screenings will be held at AMC Mazza Gallerie Theatres, 5300 Wisconsin Ave., NW, Washington, DC.

    TICKETS: $14 per ticket unless otherwise noted. Discount Package – 10 tickets for $100 (does not include Opening Night). Tickets can be purchased at
    the Arabian Sights website or at the door.

    WHY: The Arabian Sights Film Festival showcases the newest and most intriguing films exploring issues facing the Arab region. The festival highlights quality cinema from a region often overlooked in mainstream American theaters. Select guest film directors will be present at their screenings to offer a unique insight to the filmmaking process.

    FILMS: The Opening Night film is It Must Be Heaven (Elia Suleiman) from Palestine. Other titles: Adam (Maryam Touzani), Morocco's pick for Best Foreign Film; the documentary Advocate (Rachel Leah Jones and Philippe Bellaiche) from Israel; Arab Blues (Manele Labidi) from France; Baghdad in My Shadow (Samir), a drama from Iraq; Diamond Dust (Marwan Hamed) from Egypt; Escape from Raqqa (Emmanuel Hamon) from France; The Guest (Hadi El Bagoury) from Egypt; Home After War (Gayatri Parameswaran) from Iraq; New Biz in the Hood (Mohamed Hamidi) from France; Rashid and Rajab (Mohammed Saeed Harib) from the UAE; What Have We Done to Deserve This? (Eva Spreitzhofer) from Austria; plus "Short Cuts," a program of short films from Palestine, Lebanon, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and others.

    The Cinema Lounge

    The Cinema Lounge meets Monday, October 21, 2019 at 7:00pm. Our topic is Capitalism on Film.

    The American identity has always had a self-image of classlessness and that of a capitalist meritocracy, which is why we rebelled from England in the first place. Throughout Hollywood history, some films have celebrated the traditional view of the American dream, while others have painted capitalism, big business and Wall Street in particular, in a much harsher light.

    The Cinema Lounge, a film discussion group, meets the third Monday of every month (unless otherwise noted) at 7:00pm at
    Teaism in Penn Quarter, 400 8th St., NW in Washington, DC (closest Metro stop is Archives, also near Metro Center and Gallery Place). NOTE: We will meet in the downstairs area. You do not need to be a member of the Washington DC Film Society to attend. Cinema Lounge is moderated by Adam Spector, author of the DC Film Society's Adam's Rib column.

    Adams Rib Examines Classics Loved By All Except Their Directors

    Who really owns a film? I’m not talking legal ownership, or who has certain rights and percentages. I mean in the social, cultural and personal world, where the best films live and breathe for long after their release. What happens when the director of a film you loved dumps on that film? Should it matter? I try to answer that question in my new Adam’s Rib column.

    Judy: Q&A with Director Rupert Goold and Producer David Livingstone

    By Ron Gordner, DC Film Society Member

    Judy (United Kingdom; 2019) is a new biopic about Judy Garland during some of her last months of life. Judy went to London to play a number of performances at the Talk of the Town to make money. She had been blacklisted in Hollywood due to her drinking and problems not showing up or performing. She was broke and also in a child custody battle with her last husband Sid Luft. The movie is based on the play End of the Rainbow by Peter Quilter and the screenplay was done by Tom Edge. Judy is played by Renee Zellweger in an Oscar making role. Rufus Sewell plays Sid Luft; Jessie Buckley (from Wild Rose), plays an assistant assigned to get Judy to the performances on time and in shape to perform. Finn Wittrock plays the young opportunistic admirer, Mickey Deans. The film was screened on September 11, 2019 for the second time at the 44th Toronto International Film Festival. The night before Ms. Zellweger was present and received a very long standing ovation. At this screening the director Rupert Goold was present and also received a several minute standing ovation. The film includes flashbacks to Judy as a young girl and with her mother and MGM mogul Louis B. Mayer instructing her to lose weight and starting her on pills to lose weight, then ones to wake up and fall asleep. She died in London in 1969 of an accidental overdose.

    Rupert Goold: First I want to thank the wonderful Toronto audiences and their warm, enthusiastic response to our film. Unfortunately, Renee could not be here today. One night only.

    TIFF Moderator: What inspired you to do this film other than loving Judy Garland?
    Rupert Goold: I saw sometime ago a wonderful play called End of the Rainbow and thought, "Gosh that would be a great movie." So we got permission and started writing the script and thought about casting and rehearsing. It was a nightmare at first. I sent a first draft to Renee and within a week she said yes. It was one of the greatest emails I have ever gotten. And we met and here we are.

    TIFF Moderator: Can you discuss some of the challenges you met in making such a film about a widely known celebrity?
    Rupert Goold: We knew Renee could sing because of her role in Chicago but she hadn’tsung in awhile so she needed coaches, a bit of a singing boot camp, but she has natural pitch and a good natural ear for music. It was an intimate shoot, mostly the scenes in six days inside the setup. She is such a professional and hard worker. Even the make-up transformation she could do in about 90 minutes which is very fast with the wigs, teeth, etc.

    Audience Question: What did Renee bring to the role?
    Rupert Goold: She is a great actor, she is funny, she is tiny. She always becomes her roles. She also told us she had stage fright not unlike Judy Garland. Renee also does her own singing including Somewhere Over the Rainbow. Renee was somewhat surprised we singled her out to play the icon but she felt Judy never gave up and still had her powerful voice.
    David Livingstone: Early on we sat down and created a list of who could play Judy. Renee was always the one who came to the top of the list since she can be brilliantly funny, sing and act. She won an Oscar for Cold Mountain for her dramatic acting. Who else can do all those things and she even played an English accent as Bridget Jones.

    Audience Question: Were there any reactions on doing the film from her immediate family like Liza or Lorna?
    Rupert Goold: Liza hasn’t seen it. We did send her a script but didn’t hear anything back, but they get many scripts every week to read. Lorna has seen the film and has been fairly quiet about it, but not many people have seen it yet. Jesse Buckley played Rosalyn Wilder, the assistant and who did some make-up. We contacted the real Rosalyn who introduced us to Judy’s dresser who hadn’t spoken about her in 50 years. She was living in South Africa and got some intimate information to add.

    Audience Comment: My mother named me after Judy Garland and I met her when I was nine years old.
    Rupert Goold: Judy went and thanked all the backstage staff after performances, she was very warm that way.

    Audience Question: Can you elaborate on your research process?
    David Livingstone: There are loads of books on Judy including one by Mickey Deans called something like Weep No More, My Lady (audience laughter) and quite biased of course.

    Audience Question: Can you talk about the two gentlemen in the film?
    Rupert Goold: We wanted to show how she took care of people around her and fans. It was near the end of her life so we created these characters who adored her and wanted to show an important fan base of Judy Garland’s in the LBGT community. So we have her trying to get something to eat late at night and meeting these two men who try to help her find a place to eat. We also wanted to show at this time gays were decriminalized finally in England and tie that in. It didn’t have to be part of the story but is a moving moment in the film.

    Audience Question: What year was portrayed in the film?
    Rupert Goold: This was 1969 when she played in London.

    Judy is currently in DC area theaters.

    We Need to Hear From YOU

    We are always looking for film-related material for the Storyboard. Our enthusiastic and well-traveled members have written about their trips to the Cannes Film Festival, Karlovy Vary Film Festival, London Film Festival, Venice Film Festival, Telluride Film Festival, Toronto Film Festival, Austin Film Festival, Edinburgh Film Festival, the Berlin Film Festival, the Palm Springs Film Festival, the Reykjavik Film Festival, the Munich Film Festival, and the Locarno Film Festival. We also heard about what it's like being an extra in the movies. Have you gone to an interesting film festival? Have a favorite place to see movies that we aren't covering in the Calendar of Events? Seen a movie that blew you away? Read a film-related book? Gone to a film seminar? Interviewed a director? Taken notes at a Q&A? Read an article about something that didn't make our local news media? Send your contributions to Storyboard and share your stories with the membership. And we sincerely thank all our contributors for this issue of Storyboard.

    Calendar of Events


    American Film Institute Silver Theater
    There are still two days remaining for the 30th Latin American Film Festival (September 12-October 2), including the Closing Night film Days of Light.

    The 14th annual "Spooky Movie International Horror Film Festival" (October 3-6) showcases new horror film cinema from around the world. The Opening Night film is Depraved. A few other titles: Wrinkles the Clown, The Theater of Terror, After Midnight, Bliss, Knives and Skin, Daniel Isn't Real, One Cut of the Dead, Villains, The Prey and more. An all-access pass is available, including Opening Night.

    The AFI takes part in the "Films Across Borders" series. This year's theme is "Stories of Water." Titles are Ponyo, Mind Game, The Red Turtle, and Mad Max: Fury Road (Black and Chrome Edition. See the website for more locations.

    "Art House Theater Day" continues into early October with Fleabag and Putney Swope (Robert Downey, 1969).

    "Noir City DC" (October 11-24) is a selection of noir films curated by the Film Noir Foundation. Old classics and newly restored films include The Woman in the Window, The Turning Point, Pickup on South Street, Laura, Murder My Sweet, Tomorrow Is Another Day, Angel Face, Phantom Lady, Double Indemnity, The File on Thelma Jordan, Trapped, Pushover, The Well and lots more. Twenty-six films are shown, some in 35mm and many with introductions by Eddie Muller and Foster Hirsh. A Noir City Pass is available, covering all films.

    The "Silent Cinema Showcase" (October 25-November 26) returns with newly restored screen classics and rare gems from the silent era. Titles in October are Nosferatu (1922) and Dante's Inferno (1911). Both films have music accompaniment by Maurizio Guarini of Goblin. More in November.

    "Juraj Herz: In and Out of the Czechoslovak New Wave" (October 27-November 26) begins in October with The Cremator (1969). The remainder of the films in the series is in November.

    "Halloween on Screen" (October 25-31) includes Nosferatu (1922); the 45th anniversary of The Living Dead at Manchester Morgue (1974) in a 4K restoration; The Exorcist (1973) in an extended director's cut presented by Count Gore De Vol; The Evil Dead (1981) in a new 4K restoration; and a program of short films from the 48 Hour Film Sci-Fi and Horror Project.

    Special Events in October include the 70th anniversary of The Heiress (William Wyler, 1949) with an introduction by Catherine Wyler and a post-screening panel discussion on October 27 at 5:15pm and Mister America (Eric Notarnicola, 2019) on October 9 at 7:15pm. Other special events are Mr. America with a recorded introduction by director Eric Notarnicola; El Camino (Vince Gilligan).

    On October 26 at 7:30pm is an extended director's cut of The Exorcist (William Friedkin, 1973) presented by "Count Gore De Vol."

    "Juraj Herz: In & Out of the Czechoslovak New Wave" (October 27-November 26) starts with The Cremator (Juraj Herz, 1969). More in November.

    Freer Gallery of Art
    A series of Japanese classic films continues at the Freer. On October 9 at 2:00pm is Kwaidan (Masaki Kobayashi, 1965), shown in a three-hour cut never released in the US.

    On October 13 at 1:00pm is The Last Emperor (Bernardo Bertolucci, 1987), winner of nine Academy Awards, followed by a panel discussion.

    "Thai Buddhist Ghost Stories" (September 27-October 25) continues on October 18 at 7:00pm with Folklore: Pob (Pen-ek Ratanaurang, 2018) from Thailand. The miniseries "Folklore" covers tales of the supernatural from six Asian countries, based on each region's traditional legends. On October 25 at 7:00pm is Krasue: Inhuman Kiss (Sittisiri Monkolsiri, 2019).

    On October 20 at 1:00pm is Woman in the Dunes (Hiroshi Teshigahara, 1964) and on October 20 at 4:00pm is Woman and the Glacier (Audrius Stonys, 2017) from Lithuania, a documentary about a scientist living on the Tuyuksu Galcier in Central Asia.

    For Halloween on October 31 at 7:00pm is the zombie comedy One Cut of the Dead (Shinichiro Ueda, 2017) from Japan.

    National Gallery of Art
    "Basilio Martin Patino" (October 5-6) looks at three films from the Spanish experimental filmmaker Basilio Martin Patino (1930-2017). On October 5 at 2:00pm is Nine Letters to Bertha (1966); on October 5 at 4:00pm is Songs for after a War (1971) and on October 6 at 4:00pm is The Lost Paradise (1985). All are shown in 35mm.

    Special Events in October include Renzo Piano-The Architect of Light (Carlos Saura, 2018), about the Italian architect Renzo Piano on October 12 at 2:30pm. On October 19 at 2:30pm is Ruskin (Robert Beavers, 1974/1997), about Venice as seen through Ruskin's text The Stones of Venice. On October 27 at 4:00pm is Walking on Water (Audrey Paounov, 2019), a documentary about Christo's art project The Floating Piers. Note that all three of these events are held in the West Building Lecture Hall.

    Two films are shown in conjunction with the Freer Gallery of Art. On October 20 at 1:00pm is Woman in the Dunes (Hiroshi Teshigahara, 1964) and on October 20 at 4:00pm is The Woman and the Glacier (Audrius Stonys, 2017). Both are shown at the Freer.

    "Woman with a Movie Camera: Shirley Clarke at 100" (October 13-26) includes some of Shirley Clarke's short films and two acclaimed documentaries. On October 13 at 4:00pm is the program "Early Shorts," including Dance in the Sun, Skyscraper, Bridges-Go-Round, In Paris Parks, Rose and the Players, A Moment in Love, World Kitchen, A Scary Time and others. On October 26 at 2:00pm is Robert Frost: A Lover's Quarrel With the World (1963) which won the Academy Award for Best Feature Documentary. Introduced by Donna Cameron. On October 26 at 4:00pm is Ornette: Made in America (1985). All three programs are shown in the West Building Lecture Hall.

    "ArteCinema" is on October 17 at 6:00pm (location: Embassy of Italy--registration required). Filmmaker Andrea Bettinetti will be present to discuss the screenings.

    Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden
    On October 14 at 3:00pm is Stop Making Sense (Jonathan Demme, 1984), a concert film about the Talking Heads.

    On October 20 at 2:00pm is Manifesto (Julian Rosefeldt, 2015) with Cate Blanchett performing 13 distinct roles in vignettes from 20th century art movements.

    National Museum of the American Indian
    On October 29 at 6:30pm is The Warrior Tradition (Lawrence Hott, 2019), about Native Americans serving in the US military.

    Museum of American History
    On October 19 at 8:00pm is Hocus Pocus (Kenny Ortega, 1993). A party starts at 6:30pm; the film, shown in 35mm, is at 8:00pm.

    For Hispanic History Month are three films: On October 11 at 8:00pm is Selena followed by a party; on October 12 at 11:20am is The Accordion Kings and on October 12 at 1:30pm is Black Orpheus, shown in 35mm.

    Washington Jewish Community Center
    The newly renovated JCC has begun its new film program. Tel Aviv on Fire (Sameh Zoabi, 2018) continues in October. Other titles are the animated The Stolen Princess: Ruslan and Ludmila (Oleh Malamuzh, 2018) from Ukraine; Give Me Liberty (Kirill Mikhanovsky, 2019) and Sarah's Key (Gilles Paquet-Brenne, 2019) from France; Ida (Pawel Pawlikowski, 2017) from Poland; Sunshine (István Szabó, 1999) from Hungary; Chasing Portraits (Elizabeth Ryneck, 2018) and The Attack (Ziad Doueiri, 2018). Some films have discussions and/or filmmaker Q&As. Other recently-added films are Jojo Rabbit, Unlikely and Give Me Liberty. See the website for dates, times and tickets.

    Goethe Institute
    On October 9 at 6:30pm is Fitzcarraldo (Werner Herzog, 1982). On October 16 at 6:30pm is Bagdad Cafe (Percy Adlon, 1987), both part of the "Films Across Borders" series.

    The Shakespeare Theater
    "Classical Screenings at STC" include "Fleabag," "Antony and Cleopatra," "The Lehman Trilogy" and "Kinky Boots." See the website for details.

    French Embassy
    "So French, so Fashion!" (September 10-October 22) is a series to celeb rate Paris Fall 2019 Fashion Week. On October 8 at 7:00pm is Paris Frills (Jacques Becker, 1945) starring Raymond Rouleau and Micheline Presle. On October 22 at 7:00pm is the documentary Dior and I (Frédéric Tcheng, 2014).

    The Japan Information and Culture Center
    On October 11 at 6:30pm is Survival Family (Shinobu Yaguchi, 2017) about a family surviving without electricity. Part of the Films Without Borders series. On October 16 at 6:30pm is Born Bone Born (Toshiyuki Teruya, 2018). On October 29 at 6:30pm is the anime film Okko's Inn (Kitaro Kosaka, 2018).

    The Textile Museum at GWU
    On October 10 at 5:00pm is the documentary Maquilapolis (Vicky Funari and Sergio de la Torre, 2006) about women who provide cheap labor for Tijuana's factories. On October 31 at noon is Day of the Dead (2019), about Oaxacan traditions building alters to remember the dead.

    Bethesda Row
    "Cinema Arts Bethesda" is a monthly Sunday morning film discussion series. On October 20 at 10:00am is Capernaum (Nadine Labaki, 2018) from Lebanon.

    Breakfast is at 9:30am, the film is at 10:00am and discussion follows, moderated by Adam Spector, host of the DC Film Society's Cinema Lounge and author of the column "Adam's Rib." A season pass is available.

    The Avalon
    On October 2 at 8:00pm is The Woman Who Loves Giraffes (Alison Reid, 2018), a documentary about Canadian biologist Anne Innis Dagg who studied animal behavior in the 1950s. Part of the "Avalon Docs" series.

    On October 9 at 8:00pm is Talks With T.G. Masaryk (Jakub Cervenka, 2018), a fictional reconstruction of a conversation between writer Karel Capek and Czechoslovak president T.G. Masaryk in 1928. Part of the "Czech Lions" film series.

    On October 16 at 8:00pm is Olivia (Jacqueline Audry, 1951), set in a 19th century girls' boarding school. Part of the "French Cinematheque."

    On October 23 at 8:00pm is Working Woman (Michal Aviad, 2018) from Israel, part of the "Reel Israel" series.

    On October 30 at 8:00pm is The Messenger (Wladyslaw Pasikowski, 2019), part of the "cinePolksa" series.

    Italian Cultural Institute
    On October at 6:00pm is the restored Tosca's Kiss (Daniel Schmid, 1984), a documentary about a retirement home for opera singers.

    On October 17 at 6:00pm is "ArteCinema: International Festival of Films on Contemporary Art." Two films are shown from the festival; a discussion follows with filmmaker Andrea Bettinetti and the National Gallery of Art film curator Margaret Parsons. The films are Louise Bourgeois by Nina and Klaus Sohl and Piero Manzoni, Artista by Andrea Bettinetti.

    New York University Abramson Family Auditorium
    On October 16 at 7:00pm is Good Vibrations (Lisa Barros D'Sa and Glenn Leyburn, 2012), a documentary about Terri Hooley, a record-store owner instrumental in developing Belfast's punk-rock scene.

    Library of Congress
    The Mary Pickford Theater at the Library of Congress continues its series of films showcasing the Library's collection and including newly preserved films. On October 10 at 7:00pm is Suffragette (Sarah Gavron, 2015), starring Carey Mulligan and Helena Bonham Carter. On October 17 at 7:00pm is Teacher's Pet (George Seaton, 1958) starring Doris Day (1922-2019) and Clark Gable. On October 24 at 7:00pm is Dr. Terror's House of Horrors (Freddie Francis, 1965) for Halloween.

    Old Presbyterian Meeting House
    On October 18 at 7:00pm is the silent Hunchback of Notre Dame (1923) starring Lon Chaney. Live organ accompaniment is provided by Steven Seigart.

    "Capital Classics" at Landmark's West End Cinema
    Classic films are shown at the West End Cinema on Wednesdays at 1:30pm, 4:30pm and 7:30pm. On October 2 is Enter the Dragon (Robert Clouse, 1973) starring Bruce Lee; on October 9 is the director's cut of Little Shop of Horrors (Frank Oz, 1986); on October 23 is The Hunger (Tony Scott, 1983); and on October 30 is Beetlejuice (Tim Burton, 1988).

    Kennedy Center
    On October 4-5 at 7:00pm is "Cunningham on Film," outdoor screenings of selections from Merce Cunningham's legacy of dance. Titles include Beach Birds for Camera, eyeSpace 20, Walkaround Time, and Merce 100. Part of Merce Cunningham at 100.

    Embassy of Austria
    On October 10 at 7:00pm is Styx, part of the "Films Across Borders" series.

    Atlas Performing Arts Film Series
    On October 15 at 7:00pm is Badger Creek Run, a short documentary about a Blackfeet family who live on a ranch in Montana, shown with The Thick Dark Fog, about a Lakota boy who was removed from his family to attend a federal government boarding school. Filmmaker Jonathan Skurnik will take part in a panel discussion after the films.

    Hill Center
    "Evil and the Anti-Hero" is a three-part series of films in which anti-heroes confront the unjust status quo. On October 25 at 7:00pm is Kontrol (Nimrod Antal, 2003) from Hungary. A discussion with series curator Tom Zaniello follows. One more in December.

    Alden Theater
    On October 9 at 12:30pm is a kids film The Jungle Book (1967) and on October 23 at 1:00pm is Ma Vie en Rose (Alan Berliner).

    Angelika Film Center Mosaic
    The annual "Hitchcocktober" (films by Alfred Hitchcock) takes place October 3-31. Films are shown at 7:00pm. On October 3 is Dial M for Murder (1954); on October 10 is North by Northwest (1959); on October 17 is The Birds (1963); on October 24 is The Lady Vanishes (1938); and on October 31 is Psycho (1960).

    Angelika Popup
    The annual "Hitchcocktober" (films by Alfred Hitchcock) takes place October 3-31. Films are shown at 7:00pm. On October 3 is Dial M for Murder (1954); on October 10 is North by Northwest (1959); on October 17 is The Birds (1963); on October 24 is The Lady Vanishes (1938); and on October 31 is Psycho (1960).

    Arlington Cinema and Drafthouse
    On October 9 at 7:00pm is Nosferatu (1922) with music by the Invincible Czars. On October 27 at 4:00pm is the second annual "Silent Scream" featuring Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1920) starring John Barrymore and the short comedy Dr. Pyckle and Mr. Pride (1925) starring Stan Laurel. Music by Andrew Simpson and Tina Chancey.

    Busboys and Poets
    On October 1 at 5:30pm is Nameless, a documentary about sex trafficking in DC. A panel discussion follows. On October 14 at 5:45pm is The Feminist on Cellblock Y, a documentary. On October 22 at 6:30pm is A Thousand Girls Like Me (Sahra Mani), a documentary about abuses of girls in Afghanistan. The filmmakers and other guests will discuss the film.

    Alliance Francais
    On October 4 at 7:00pm is Chartres: Light Reborn (Anne Savalli, 2016), a documentary about renovation of the Chartres Cathedral, an icon of French Gothic architecture, followed by a talk with Claire Babet, maître-verrier, in charge of renovating all the stained-glass windows of the Chartres Cathedral. On October 16 at 7:00pm is Milunka Savic: The Great War Heroine (2013), a documentary about the most decorated woman of WWI who fought with Serbian soldiers. A discussion follows.

    The Jerusalem Fund
    On October 4 at 5:30pm is Gaza Fights for Freedom (Abby Martin), a documentary about Gaza's protest movement.


    Arabian Sights
    The 24th Annual Arabian Sights Film Festival takes place October 18-27. A diverse selection of new innovative and engaging films centered on today’s Arab world will be shown. See above.

    Washington West Film Festival
    This film festival takes place October 24-28. More than 20 short films, features and documentaries are shown; Q&A panels, workshops and receptions are part of the festival. Most films are shown at Reston's Bow Tie Cinemas. See the website for film titles and tickets.

    30th Latin American Film Festival
    From September 12 to October 2 approximately 50 films from Latin American countries plus Spain and Portugal will be shown, including winners at other film festivals, local box office hits and debut works by promising new talents. Many filmmaker guests will be present to discuss their films. A few titles: The Sharks from Uruguay, Midnight Family from Mexico, both award-winners at Sundance; the political thriler Rojo from Argentina; Too Late to Die Young from Chile, winner of the Best Director award at the Locarno Film Festival; biopic Marighella from Brazil; Jose from Guatemala. See the website for schedule, tickets and passes. At the AFI Silver Theater.

    Films Across Borders: Stories of Water
    This festival starts October 1 and runs through November 26. More than 30 films are shown in more than 12 venues. Titles in October include The River and the Wall (2019); The Raft (2019) from Sweden; Guadalquivir (2013) from Spain; Woman and the Glacier (2016) from the Netherlands; Tesoros (2017) from Mexico. The series continues in November. See the website for locations and details.

    Reel Affirmations Film Festival
    This film festival takes place at the Tivoli Theater October 25-27. Titles TBA. There are programs of short films, documentaries, panel discussions, filmmaker Q&As, receptions and other events. A pass is available.

    Spooky Movie Film Festival
    The Spooky Movie International Horror Film Festival takes place October 3-6. See AFI above.

    The Virginia Film Festival
    The 32nd annual Virginia Film Festival takes place October 23-27 at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville. See the website for film titles, schedule and locations.

    The Investigative Film Festival
    The fifth "Double Exposure: The Investigative Film Festival and Symposium" takes place October 10-13. A few titles: Desert One (Barbara Kopple); The Preppy Murder: Death in Central Park (Ricki Stern and Annie Sundberg); Citizen K (Alex Gibney); The Cave (Feras Fayyad); Dark Suns (Julien Elie); Bedlam (Kenneth Paul Rosenberg); Bikram: Yogi, Guru, Predator (Eva Orner). Locations include the Navy Heritage Center; National Geographic; The National Archives. Passes are available, see the website for more information.

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